The crux of your social life.

Tuesday 23 January 2018

How to find the purpose of your life

Do you ever feel that there is something missing in your life? Do you ever feel unmotivated and unsure about life? Do you ever think that your life is meaningless and has no purpose? If you do, don’t worry, because there are a lot of people just like you who are directionless and unaware of their purpose in life. That is why, in this video, I am going to walk you through the steps to help you find your purpose in life.

As a teenager, I never had a clear vision of what I wanted to become in the future. But deep down in my heart, I always knew that I was meant for something big. Finding the purpose of your life can be a time-taking thing to do, but once you know what is that thing that you are meant for, your life starts to get on track.
Finding the purpose of your life is something that only you, yourself can do, however, others can provide their input and help to guide you. Before I share the amazing tips with you, I would advise that you stop stressing about this topic because finding the purpose of your life is something that naturally occurs to you sooner or later and it cannot be forced. However, implementing these steps in your daily life will expose you to that area of life and put you to the path of discovering the true purpose of your life.

These are the 5 amazing steps that can help you find your purpose in life, today!

1. Find a Role Model
The first and the best step to find the purpose of your life is to find a role model to look up to. It’s very important to have a mentor in your life. So, the best thing to do is to find a successful role model related to the field you love and follow his way of lifestyle. Studying successful people and reading about their lives, their struggle and the steps they took to discover their meaning and purpose of life can also help you discover yours. It motivates you to strive to achieve something in life and makes you understand that difficulties and hardships are the part of your journey and life is not a bed of roses. Also, finding inspiration is the best way to find the purpose of your life. And the best way to find inspiration is to find someone; a role model, who has gone through the same kind of struggle and difficulties in their life as you and who you feel is relevant and connects with you.

2. Step outside of your Space Bubble
Your space bubble is the small world you live in. The small world, where everything is about you. Whether if it’s you looking good, you staying healthy or you succeeding in life. Everything is concerned about your well-being. If someone throws a hurtful statement at you, it hurts because you live in your own world and you feel that everything is about you. Also, living in our own world, we are afraid to fail because it makes us look bad. As a result, we don’t challenge ourselves and are afraid of trying new things. Another thing we face is that we expect from people, and when they don’t deliver, we get frustrated. These are all the things we develop when we are used to living in our personal space bubble. But when you step outside of your space bubble, you develop a less self-centered way of looking at things. When someone says something negative to us, we know that it’s not about us, it’s about the fear or pain they feel. When we step out of the bubble that we have created, we become less egotistical, and start to have a more extensive view. Everything changes, from letting go of outrage and fear to changing our habits and doing something that matters.
After we step out of the bubble, and develop a less self-centered approach towards life, we start to care about others. And that is the bigger picture my friends, because we can always learn new skills and change our career, but the purpose of life should be to do something that helps others, because that is what makes us a better human being.

3. Act more
We can't think our way into discovering the purpose of our life. We need to act to find it. The more we act, the more we get clear on things. So as opposed to overthinking it like, Will this work out? Would it be a good idea for me to attempt that? What if I fail? Begin stepping towards your objectives and begin attempting new things. This will help you escape your own prison of mind. I battled for quite a long time attempting to discover what the purpose of my life was. This cycle just made a more profound absence of clarity. It wasn't until I began doing that things changed for me. I started making inspiring YouTube videos, and kept on uploading them. In time, the response I got was so overwhelming that happiness overflowed into my heart and I realized this was what I needed to do with my life. You see, I had to start making the videos instead of just thinking about them. I had to take action without caring about the outcome to learn that my biggest passion was indeed, video making and inspiring people.
Only by taking actions you will get the results, and if the results are not as you desired, don’t worry. Because experience is the greatest of rewards.

4. Get rid of the idea of the ONE THING
A lot of us struggle finding the purpose of their life because we attempt to find that ONE thing that we are meant to do; yet attempting to discover just a single thing is the reason behind the feeling that something is missing in our life. We should get rid of the idea that there is only one thing that we are meant to do because it limits our capabilities. Take my example, I work in multiple fields, I do public speaking, I write articles and I am also a programmer and everything I do brings me bliss, however none of these are my motivations, they are my obsessions. So begin reaching your interests! When you lead an enthusiastic life you are carrying on with your life intentionally.
Get rid of the idea that there is just ONE THING that you are meant to do and accept the idea that our purpose in life is to live life to the fullest! This implies that we bounce in and attempt new things; we quit opposing the obscure and we completely participate in what is happening right here, where we are. To lead a deliberate life, take after your interests. When we carry on with an enthusiasm filled life, that my friends, is the true purpose of life.

5. Find something that you’re good at and enjoy doing.
The last and the most important step is to find things that you are good at doing. Things that you enjoy. To do that, you have to start thinking with your heart because it’s the best way to know your interests. Your heart is your best device to get to your actual purpose and passion. Ask yourself what you adore? Begin finding a way to do what you cherish. When you are motivated and associated with your happy-self, motivation surges your absolute entirety. When you lead from your heart, you are normally more euphoric and persuaded to investigate. By doing what you cherish, you will be roused and pick up experiences into what presents to you the most happiness. The best way to explore your interests is to keep trying new things. For example, if you are on a lunch buffet, you have a 100 dishes in front of you, the best way to pick out the best dish is to try them all. Similarly, life is just like a lunch buffet and the things to do are the dishes. To find out which one is the best, you have to keep trying different things unless you finally find the ones you enjoy doing and you’re good at. That way, you will put yourself to the road that leads to the discovery of true purpose of your life.

These are the steps that can help you find the purpose of your life and help you make your life more meaningful than ever before.
In the end, always know that finding the purpose of your life is not something to be done overnight. It takes time. In the end, finding your purpose in life basically comes down to finding those things that are greater than yourself, and greater than people around you. And to discover them, you have to get off your sofa and act, only that way you will be able to find your true purpose in life.
So, what is your purpose in life? If you don’t know the answer yet, don’t panic. Continue posing the question, and keep your eyes open for clues that will come your direction. And eventually, you will have the answer. I guarantee you that.

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