The crux of your social life.

Tuesday 23 January 2018

How to turn your life around by changing the way you think

The nature of our thoughts determines the quality of our life. Most of the people’s problems are only because of the thoughts they have, because our thoughts have the power to shape reality. The negative thoughts we have influence our life negatively while the positive thoughts we have influence the world around us positively. It’s clear that our thoughts have a strong connection with the world we live in.
Do you know how your thoughts affect the world you live in? Do you know that just by changing your thoughts, you can change your life? If not, keep watching cause in this video, I am going to show you how our thoughts affect our lives and the world around us and how we can change our lives just by changing our thoughts.

How our thoughts are formed

When we were born, we had no control on our lives. How we sat, what we ate, everything was controlled by our parents or the people who took care of us. We were in constant supervision of our elders who knew about the world we live in and they made choices that were better for us. Those choices shaped us as who we are today and how we think. We have grown up noticing our parents take decisions for us, so the way we think when we grow up is just like them initially. So basically, our thoughts are shaped from the memories we have experienced. If the memories we have experienced are pleasant, then our thoughts might be positive too. But if the memories we have are painful, then that may lead to having negative thoughts too.
Also, in our daily life, we meet and interact with a lot of people. And all that information goes into our brain and constructs thoughts and beliefs. For example, if you are in an elevator and if you say hi to a person and he replies back with a smile, the thoughts that are generated are positive and you start to believe that the world is a very good place. But if the person doesn’t reply back and just stares at you then you start to think that the world is full of mean people and then you start believing it. So the thoughts are also mainly created by your experiences.

How our thoughts affect our lives

The thoughts we have shape the reality we live in. For example, if I have to deliver a speech and I start having bad thoughts like, I’m going to forget everything once I step up the stage, or I will not be able to deliver a good speech and no one will like it, then that is exactly what is going to happen. But instead if you think positively and say to yourself that you can do it, you are talented enough to get this done, then you will never get nervous. This is because your thoughts have their own energy and everything you think affects the way you feel.
Let’s try a little brain exercise. Think of yourself like this:” I am useless. I have no reason to exist. Nobody loves me. And what if I get a horrible disease that’s lethal. I would die and nobody would care. I am always broke. Life is not fair.”
Okay, how do you feel now? I bet you are feeling bad and heavy about yourself.
Now try thinking of yourself like this:” I am so awesome. I have everything that most of the people don’t. I have a fully functional and healthy body while most of the people don’t. I am grateful for having so many wonderful people around me. And the weather is so good today. I feel great!
How do you feel about yourself now? I reckon you are feeling great!
Did you notice the sensations and reactions in your body while doing this exercise? That is how your thoughts affect your mood!
What we think won't show in our lives the very same way we think. As I jump at the chance to state, we can't think life. Be that as it may, how we think determines how we perceive the world. Confusing, isn’t it?
I will give you an example to illustrate how our contemplations truly influence us. Suppose we're thinking optimistically, we have a picture of a car framed and up on our wall and we are working hard every day to imagine our self in that car. What happens? We believe that we can buy that car one day which gives us hope and self-assurance. This hope and self-assurance makes us cheerful and contented and also motivates us to work harder, allowing us to actually buy the car later in life.
Did you see how it worked out? At last we really achieved that car we dreamt of, however the essential thing is the manner by which we did it. We didn't do it in light of the fact that our considerations by one means or another mysteriously showed themselves in our lives, but since of how our thoughts and convictions made us feel.
Our thoughts construct our beliefs and whenever any information pours into our brain through our senses, we filter it through our beliefs. For example, if you believe that you are ugly, then every time you’ll look into the mirror, you are going to notice and only focus on those aspects of yourself that you perceive that make you unattractive. You have other qualities that make you attractive but you only choose to focus on only the bad aspects of yourself.
This kind of thinking mirrors an absence of trust in yourself and an inability to trust the process of life. Therefore, your pleasure and valuation for all the great things that life brings to the table gets contorted, abandoning you in a defrauded state and ultimately troubled existence.
Keep in mind, thoughts are not generated automatically. They are something we make and that means we are able to direct them. When something bad happens to you, it's your thoughts about the circumstances that will either minimize or amplify the impact it will have on you.

How to change your thoughts

It’s clear that your thoughts have a great impact on your life. Thus, changing the way you think is the best way to change and improve your life.
Here are 5 amazing tips to help you do it to live a better quality life.

Being optimistic
You have to try to be optimistic. You have to see the filled half of the glass for satisfaction and the empty half with a resolve to fill it. If you allow yourself to think negatively, you will turn into a negative and sour person who’s philosophy of life will be to not expect anything good from the world just because of the fear of getting disappointed. But on the other hand, if you try to think positively, you will see yourself succeed in your life. Thinking positively also increases self-confidence and boosts self-esteem, it also keeps the mood happy and cheerful. If you try to think optimistically, you can achieve a lot because thinking positively keeps you determined and motivated whereas negative thoughts discourage you and make you feel sad. So, if you try to be optimistic, you can bring a great change in your life.

Attitude of Gratitude
To change the way we think and improve it, we have to adopt an attitude of gratitude. If something bad happens to us and we start cursing and complaining, we will miss out all the opportunities because we will not be able to hear them knock on our doorstep over the sound of us complaining. We should count our blessings and appreciate what we have because while we cry over expensive shoes, some people might not even have the foot to wear those shoes. If we keep crying for what we don’t have, we will end up getting nowhere, but if we open our eyes to gratitude practice, then things will begin to become all-good for us and our lives will start to change.

Replacing the bad with the good
This step will take time to work. You cannot just replace “Oh, I cannot do that” to “Yes I can!” No, it will not work. To make it work, you have to slowly reduce the habit of thinking negatively by slowly reminding yourself one or two things at a time that will help you think positively. This will take place gradually and not instantly. For example, you want to ask a girl out at a club but you think “She will never go out with me she’s so beautiful while I am just a nerd” You will instantly recognize this pattern of thinking negatively and remind yourself of the something positive about you, like “I am a good dancer” or “I am funny, maybe she’ll like that”. This will not change your circumstances or help you in asking the girl out but implementing this method will surely change the way you think and improve it.

Being happy in the present
We should not try to partner joy with future events by thinking like “I will be happy when this happens”. It’s just like postponing your happiness and joy to an uncertain future. We cannot tell the future. And that’s the beauty of the world we know. So we should try to stay happy as much as we can in the present because we don’t know if the future is going to bring any happiness or not. We can surely hope for happiness but can never be certain. Being happy has a very positive effect on our brain and that results in having good thoughts and feeling confident about our self. So we should stay happy and instead postpone our sorrows and distresses to the future.

Changing the way you think and your life is not something that happens overnight. Truth be told, it takes a great deal of practice. There will be days when you have mishaps, but you have to get back up, tidy yourself off, and begin once more.
Just like when an infant is figuring out how to walk, he falls numerous times before he picks up the certainty to walk. Failing every once in a while, which you will do, doesn't mean you're a disappointment. It just implies that you don't do everything right constantly. Indeed, neither does any other person.
On the off chance that you've been overcome with negative thinking and beliefs, the pathway to your flexibility starts when you confront the issue without rationalizing it.
Be patient with yourself. As you change the way you think, your words will change and thus will your life!

Perceiving and changing the way you think can be a long procedure relying upon how you think and how severely you need to change. Individuals can change, do change and change for whatever is left of their lives, I know I have, so don't think you'll never have the capacity to change, you can and you will if you truly want to.
Just in time of a couple of months you will see a huge difference in your life and you will want to utilize your improved and better approach to thinking to good effect. You will begin to see new sorts of individuals enter into your life who can help you achieve the objectives you have in life and also, you will help them achieve their goals.
In the end, always remember that you are responsible for how you feel, not others. You can choose to become the victim, or the victor, that is why the method of changing your thoughts is the best way to change your life. The choice is yours!

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